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Electrical Systems in Cars

Your vehicle’s electrical system is made up of a complex network of circuits that create, store and distribute energy where it’s needed. One of the best ways to find out if your starter is bad is to have it tested at AutoTec. If it cranks at normal rpm under load, the problem is something else. Replacing the starter won’t fix your problem. If it fails to crank, the starter needs to be replaced. AutoTec can help to troubleshoot, repair and maintain your car electrical and starter systems.

Starter and Electrical Systems (Ignition System)

  • Inspect cable connections
  • Inspect mounting bolts and brackets
  • Check the amount of electricity needed to turn the engine over we perform a Starter Electrical Draw test.

Alternator issues

  • Conduct an overall visual inspection
  • Inspect the drive belt
  • Inspect the mounting brackets
  • Test the electrical connections
  • Perform a charging system test where we check to ensure that the alternator current and voltage are to the manufacturer’s specifications

Sliding doors electrical issues on vans

  • Check fuses
  • Check motor
  • Look for broken wires in wire harness
  • Check voltages on wires

Dashboard electrical issues

Vehicle dashboard lights assist the driver in monitoring the various gauges of their car. These important lights include the speedometer, the fuel and temperature gauges among others. Having these lights work properly is particularly useful when driving at night.

Broken dashboard lights can leave you clueless when your vehicle is experiencing engine problems, such as running out of gas or overheating, often until it is too late. Therefore it is important to have your dashboard lights working properly.

We have extensive detection equipment and experience to diagnose and repair electrical issues for almost every make of car.

If you are experiencing your dashboard lights not working or any other electrical problems, make an appointment and we will be able to help diagnose the problem for you.

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